I had the pleasure of being booked to photograph these gorgeous twin girls for their newborn photography session. It turns out that Mum and Dad live just a few streets away from me in Ferntree Gully (eastern suburbs of Melbourne), which was very convenient!
Generally speaking, twins are easier to photograph because they are usually born quite small and therefore are sleepy for longer that the average full-term baby. Sophia and Olivia were perfect models for me, and although they weren't too small (they were born at healthy weights of 2.31/2.93kg) they did stay sleepy most of the time I was photographing them. What I found most beautiful to watch was how they settled each other - just by being beside each other and having a sister to cuddle up to. Too cute!

Both Sophia and Olivia have such gorgeous, long eyelashes! I just love these photographs above showing off their beautiful lashes!
Four little feet with 20 tiny toes ~ I love capturing details like this of newborn babies!

Individual Newborn Photos
I made sure to give both Sophia and Olivia their individual time in the limelight! You can see in these photographs the obvious size difference between them both! It's quite common for one twin to be bigger than the other, but I was quite fascinated with how different their looks are! How genes work is always an amazing thing.
Behind The Scenes ~ Newborn Photo Session
I was lucky enough to have a very helpful assistant during this photo shoot, to help me settle the baby girls and also help me pose them when needed. She very kindly captured these behind-the-scenes photographs for me, plus took some video footage (below). This gives you a little insight into how these sessions work!
Book YOUR photography session!
If you are pregnant or have just given birth, and you are considering newborn baby photographs please don't hesitate to get in touch. Contact Michelle on 0401 514 969, email kiddykatsphoto@gmail.com or via the contact form.
Kiddy Kats Photography is based in Ferntree Gully in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.